Digital Competence Facilitator
Target group: persons in companies or in educational institutions who want to learn creative facilitation methods for improving staff's or students' performance.
Learning Environment: Google Sites for sharing learning materials, self-reflective test and making the compentence demonstration.
Learning Process: MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). This course is for self studying and you may proceed in your own timetable.
Study the learning materials in all four topics or as many as you wish.
Test your knowledge in order to discover your knowledge of the topics: themed questionnaire.
Assessment/competence acknowledgement: Competence demonstration via Open Badge
Online tools and pedagogical approaches
Self-directed learning material
Target group: continuous teacher education
Tool used: ThingLink
digital tools, examples and instructions
pedagogical models and design template
Learning Process: Video tutorials
Use: Can be added to any digital learning environment
Digiopettajan erikoistusmiskoulutus (Teachers' digital competence development)
Target group: continuous teacher education program, 30 ETCS for vocational teachers
Learning Environment: Wordpress & personal ePortfolios
Learning modules:
Future work and education
Designing Learning and guiding it in digital environments
Media literature
Developing working culture in educational instute
Learning Process: Collaborative learning in small groups, workshops face-to-face and online, blogging in small teams, ePortfolios as Personal Learning Environments
Assessment/competence acknowledgement: Competence demonstration via Open Badges (4)
TRIPEDA - Laatua pedagogiseen suunnitteluun
Target group: continuous teacher education program, 12 ETCS for vocational teachers
Learning Environment: Howspace, ePortfolio & Personal Learning Environments, Zoom, Orchidea
Learning modules:
I Pedagoginen suunnittelu ja käytännön opetuksen toteuttaminen
II Osaamisen tunnistamisen ja tunnustamisen toimintamallit jatkuvaan oppimiseen
III Uutta pedagogista ajattelua ja työvälineitä digitaalisissa ympäristöissä
Learning Process: deep learning principles, gamification, ePortfolios, PLE, peer-learning
Scaffolding Process: Personal Development Plan - Development work for developing educational process - Personal Development Plan
Assessment/competence acknowledgement: Competence demonstration via Open Badges (collection of badges from several open badge constellations)